

l am a story that dried barrels of ink rewriting an introduction.

My narration is a repetition of pain caved on stone resistant to erosive forces corroding its depth..
I am a beautiful construction of undecipherable abstract art intertwined with complicated designs of pain,
you see as talented..
My foundation is deeply reinforced with cement and steal, which survived centuries.
Within am broken and weak from the rust creeping on my homely heart that once habited love...

The chains on my wrist are drill bits,
cutting pipelines to waste my strength that glamorize your tethers with a crimson color.
I see contentment awash on your face at my weakening,
hoping to hear my silent mumbling like a melodious ditty that heralds a beautiful dawn that fuel your cheer...

I fight the overpowering edge to succumb to defeat,
struggling vocals of memorized mantras escaping cracked lips
from a subconscious memory that tirelessly crank the wells of a deep past to replenish resolution of survival strength.

My mind is a temple with saints in robes heralding everlasting love,
yet withdrawn to secret doors of penance facing nemesis of relentless torture in the dark to grease the rails of their caring locomotion.

You see the terrains running down the dusty caked cheeks as a yielding tight bolt-nut unscrewing to reveal fear?
I tarnished the walls of dark basements I call home,
guesting with demons that subjected me to sleepless nights,
blowing the flickering hope in my mind as they ravenously relinquish my sanity.

I am made of stonewalls that failed to be weathered by a cycle of pain.
Welded with steel resilience that feeds on your strength to patch my weaknesses.
I am built high and strong like a prison designed for punishment.
Within my walls are monsters colliding and rubbing strength on each other to rebirth love gardens on rejected lands in my mind like rosebuds given away to loved ones.

You tie my hands to show my weakness.
But your love for torture is an open acknowledgment of my strength.
You call me names simultaneously dragging me in the dirty.
I hear your voice quivering in fear;
Helplessly chained l am the nightmare that robs your sleep at night.

Feed me poison and shout gleefully from your hilltops of charity.

Fear tortures you as l swallow hot coals melting in the furnace of my heart like ice cream corns;
Just to forgive .

I am a cactus plant isolated from growing in a forest,
Poison to weaker trees surviving on sessional mercies to produce.
I am healing to the desert with a shade to insects.
Draught is my companion l feed on heat...

You are the biggest tree in the forest growing shades, robing sunlight from weeds just to feel better.

Draught will come knocking..

I am a slave with dreams of freedom.
Only in the shackles of torture when l bleed l get a step closer to peace..


© luisRupende

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