

Mother ? Wife ?
I awake to the dawn of a new day and still i suffer from the pains of yesterday.

in disbelief a year later still cant find relief from the grief of this tragedy
February/12 /2020
a day that will always be a part of me.

a day forever set in emphany the day my life reached full entropy.

derived from your selfish thoughts with no care of adding a fatalitty to its cost
no care being that it was my little girl life that was lost in a game of whos the boss by sharing her secrets you promised she could intrust and you helped push leaving her in a position taking her life was the only decision
to obtain your desire you lit a flame and set us a fire burning down everything that took 15 years to aspire

coward your mouth like a gun shooting off rounds in all directions just before you run

like a black widow me you tried to eat spinning your lies and sprawling webs of deciet

specially the lies you told my little one .
no loving caring mom would have done.

the last letter you sent represent these words I print

⁴ you implemented complete destruction with every promise ever spoken broken every word of love reversed to evol ripping holes thru the fabric as a family we woven

what doesn't kill us makes us stronger wasn't that your allma motter tell me again mother your recipe to lead your family to slaughter
how can you say you loved my daughter with all the lies ,deciet and disrespect
you continuesly showed her father

what lessons were these aimed to teach

how do you think lies promote good character needed in life how do you think lies build ties that bind

or build trust when 5 min later you throw them under the bus

once a family of 3 but you had other plans for we what new forecast have you set for me

bright and sunny warm and healing or more Dark gloomy thunder storms heavy Rain and hurricanes

im ready for what evil comes my way things go bump in the night

think close by I will stay

© David Barrett