

Death's embrace
I'm burdened with the weight of myself
My flesh rots and swells, like a dead body I hide under the sheets to protect myself
I don't know if my decisions are right or wrong but I don't want to be held hostage by their consequences
I don't know whether I can achieve or demise my goals , because most days I'm not even working hard on important shit
I should and i could be so many things , yet I crawl over cold hearts and let them burry me in layers of lies
I let them pluck out my talent, harmless pet, I only crawl past their compliments
My flesh they pick apart, all my lovers were hunters disguised as a promise to protect me,
But they could not, and I cannot
I'm writing a poetry to diverge from self hurting
I'm writing it down, because nothing feels safe as thoughts sit inside my mind
They whisper that I should kill myself
My skin rots more everyday
Releasing acids all over,
Nobody sees it, but I know
I'm going to die soon anyway

© nervous_system