

These Stars
Write a poem that includes at least five from the ten words given: (You can use more words of your choice to complete.)
Wish, desire, heart, star, reflection, smile, existence, behold, serene, warmth.

The lamp of the deities lit in heaven;
These *stars*,
Keeps a beauty for only the lonely to see,
And thence, I watch them winkle with pride and understand
That their marvel lies in connecting you to me.
So, I *wish* you to see them sometimes too.
When, in the dark you will miss my eyes,
Go find in that midnight, the Venus in it's nova glow,
And then *behold* deep into it till you see me rise.

The playground of the immortals grassed in blue; This sky.
Keeps a silence for only the lonely to hear.
And thence, I listen it sing close to the horizon
For it reminds me of the music that brought us near.
So I wish you to take heed of it someday too.
When, in the quiet of our *hearts*, you'll miss my voice,
Go seek between the clouds, my sky in it's highest pitch
And then listen to it till you hear me in that noise.

And the chandelier of the Titans, igniting the all; The sun.
Keeps a *warmth* for only the lonely to feel.
And thence, every aurora I palpate the crimson of it,
That takes me back to your touch and renders me to heal.
So, I wish you to feel it at some dawns too.
When, in that scarlet you'll miss the love of mine,
Go chase that red amongst the other saturations of the sun
And then hold still, until you see through it my love shine.
