

When you hate conjugations
The eyes met,
smiles formed,
the dental circle they created,
on time they fell in love,
bodies embedded,
but the souls could not.

The flaws jumped at them,
the problems came to them,
outsiders opined,
of routines were seized,
the wounds were carved,
freedom they longed for,

the break has come.

And now themselves alone,
they loved just theirselves,
they worshiped their navel,
they idolized their pet,
they silence their solitude.

Until they looked sloppy,
eyes like arrows,
of the scent of instinct
they summoned.

Original version:

Las miradas se cruzaron,
las sonrisas se formaron,
el círculo dental crearon,
del tiempo se enamoraron,
los cuerpos incrustaron,
mas las almas no pudieron.

Los defectos les saltaron,
los problemas les llegaron,
los de afuera opinaron,
de rutinas se apresaron,
las heridas se labraron,
la libertad anhelaron,

la ruptura ha llegado.

Y ahora así mismos
se amaron,
a su ombligo adoraron,
a su mascota idolatraron,
a su soledad callaron.

Hasta que vieron descuidados,
unos ojos como flechas,
del aroma del instinto