

The Good Old Days
I sit here reminiscing on the good old days
Memories begin running through my mind replays
When children would kneel beside the bed at night to pray
Before the child-like innocence was taken away.
When walking through the garden with grandma soaking up the sun's rays.
Oh, what I'd give for just one more day....
The twice a week trips to the ice cream shop where I'd get my favorite parfaits
When jumping in the river or creek was the biggest craze
And chasing each other around the yard with the water hose trying not to get sprayed
Man, those were the good old days
I remember working extra hard on a project just so my parents would be amazed
Now that I'm grown I still am child-like in a way
But it's in my Father's heart and at His feet I want to be at always.

© Laura Gregory