

It's this time,
The present makes me antsy;
My patience is running thin.

It's this time,
Everybody seem to remember my age;
What used to matter, doesn't matter anymore.
Patience is running thin.

It's this time,
I'm curious for what's ahead;
Tired of the present.
Patience isn't all it's glamour to be.

It's this time,
The past have lost its relevance;
The future seems far away.
Patience isn't all it's glamour to be.

It's this time,
My female body clock seems to click even louder reminding me of the passing time.
My past motivation fades away like it never existed.
Patience can be forgotten.

It's this time,
I seem to realise I can get jealous;
I seem to change in my own eyes.
Patience can be forgotten.

It's also this time,
I can find new love and remind myself everything I've forgotten.
Patience can be learnt again.
© maryann_t
#time #patience #future