

Big Sister
Said the holder of the fragile flower that her baby sister gave her.

She came to us a little older than we originally told our agency we wanted but I knew within minutes of her coming in that if we got a chance she was going to ours.

She has mommy issues. Blames her life trauma on the one who came to catch her as she was falling because of her bios doings. She screams obscenities at a insanity rate when the sadness bleeds fury. She screams hell fire and her crescendo is "life would be better if she was never born"

Said the holder of the fragile flower that her baby sister gave her.

She says all the time how she hates everything and just wishes we'd leave her alone, but gets lonely when she has sanctioned herself off in her room. She comes out and wants to talk and her target practice is always waiting to warm her cold shivering soul. She tries to bolden her shoulders in defiance in her I care about nothing and ain't listening motif.

Said the holder of the fragile flower that her baby sister gave her.

Her Dad asks her, "you going to have that thing still when you get home?"
She shruggingly states "I dunno maybe"

Said the holder of the fragile flower that her baby sister gave her.

© cmrios