

It Hurts
It hurts 😔
It hurts so bad
Can't even see the scar
Besides that though some physical scars don't even hurt at all but this.!
It ain't a scar but it hurts
It hurts bad
I can't talk to anyone about it sadly
I feel a lump in my throat and it's unpleasant
Headphones on blocking out myself from the outside wavelengths
Lump slowly fades away as i push myself to keep standing ALONE
It hurts again that i can't talk to nobody about it..
Sometimes they don't even get me
They say the most hurtful and Piercing words
They don't get it ,they don't get me
In conclusion i silence.
They wonder why? How funny
Blames on me like wise
Tell them always they don't really know me but they claim to
It's cool whatever you say since it pleases you and you won't let it go if i oppose
Blames on me I'm used to it
Funny they won't and will never notice
Even if i am to wake up with puffed up eyes
They won't notice
Probably will think i didn't sleep enough
It's cool that's it,Yes!
What's the point of saying the actual reason
Argument will result and blame be on me
Funny right, i know
They will never know and never will
Stoic is my trait
Had it since i was little
Or maybe something triggered the walls up and in Conclusion
Unreadable; you are weird , I don't get it, you are judgemental *sigh*
All sorts of words thrown at me
I'm left questioning....??
I'm confused
I'm contemplating.....
Is it really my trait born with...?
Or was i triggered..and it became part of me?
Stoic it shall forever stay that way
Be that way
And blame be all on me
Nothing new ,they never admit their faults
It's always me
Funny but we cool
It hurts , doesn't matter ,they won't comfort me or notice..
It hurts but it's okay, eventually it will dissipate 🖤🍃

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