

why do we celebrate Gandhi jayanti on 2nd of October on this day Mahatma Gandhi the father of our nation was born his real name was Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi and his was born in Porbandar Gujarat while growing up he was deeply influenced by the action of his parents he like the the simple ATI of his father and region thoughts of his mother wants in his school he was incorrectly given full marks in subject he went to his teacher and ask him to detect his marks his action of honesty apparent by everyone after completing his school education he went to England to study law when Gandhiji completed his law degree in 1891 and returned to India upon his return he was offered a job to work in Durban South Africa in Durban Gandhiji experienced and observe the ill treatment of non violence by the British the treatment was due to the difference in the colour of the skin he decided to fight against it back then India was under the role of British so after the successful fighting against the British in South Africa he returned to India to fight for its freedom he followed the path of ahimsa which means non violence Ruhi he never used violence to harm anyone in return he asked Indian to only wear the clothes made by India Gandhiji himself for the cotton dhoti which was made by his hand he is choice of Gandhiji inspired the people across the India they started to Boycott the clothes and all the things made by the Britishers Gandhiji continued on his part till India get independence in 1947 to date people on India call him bapu out of the love and graduate through he is no longer with us we can see this present everyone be it currency notes newspapers or banners on the road such as the in influence of Gandhiji
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