

**A girl who thinks about 'That Someone'.**

She wasn't a girl sybarite ,
She was just a sylph happy in nights sight .
Cozy bed lights off ,
As she lay there she thought ,
How would it feel like having someone beside me at night ,
Someone to be there to clench me tight .

How would it feel like to stretch in his arms ,
As I see a dream of US on a boat among the swans .

How would it feel like to wake up with a warm bliss beside me ,
To get my first view of the day as YOU , I see .

How would it feel like to have you there to wish me , "Good morning," without even opening your eyes .
I'll smile as you kiss my nose and that will be just too , too nice .

How would it feel like when I fight your arms so you let me free ,
But you hold on tight as you want me .

How would it feel like to hear , "You're my sunshine," by you ,
When only a single beam of the sun is being renewed.

How would it feel like to hug you so tight in the morning ,
My Sweetheart , that I overlook all my worries , which were there in my head , wriggling and whirling .

How would it feel like ?
How would it feel like ?

To have you there to hold me tight .
To have you there to hold me tight .
Thinking this she slept .
She slept with a mind of hers that was positive enough that one day she will have that SOMEONE and then she will get to know ,

"How It Feels Like !"
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