

Can someone tell me where i am?
Can someone tell me where i stand?
Have i chosen the correct path?
Should i embark on this journey?
I fear my dreams will they destroy me?
I fear those close to me will they betray me?
Am i the moon?,or the shadows that surrounds it?
Am i the ashes?,or the mighty waves?
Do i bring tranquility?or do i unleash a storm ?
Can someone tell me who i am?
Do i have a purpose?A reason to be?who am i?
Do i believe in myself?
Does my existence even matter?
Whose should i cry on? Should i falter?
Who will guide me?Should i lose my way?
Should i live my truth?or remain silent?
Should i bear my soul?or break my heart?
Should i cross all boundaries?or rein myself in?
Should i keep fighting? Or just give up?
All this are questions deep inside me
All this are questions i don't have answers to
Am i the moon?or the shadows in it?
Am i the ashes?or the raging fire?
Am i the drop?or the mighty waves