

Strangers, acquaintances,
And later friends
As people enter your life,
making a difference.
In presence, then memories
Now here, now gone
With each passing night
And days that dawn.

One for a need, another for a season,
Yet another for a lifetime.
Each for a purpose,
Come in your life for sometime.
The need met, the purpose over,
It is time for them to leave.
Whether you like or not,
Or unto them you cleave.

Some day, you have to let go,
If not today or tomorrow, then the day after.
Why cry and wail, when it is time
Make the moment sweet with smiles and laughter.

As you part and say goodbye,
Treasure the memory you have to carry.
For, that is what you will live with now,
Memorable moments of a time temporary.

© teshnair™

#writcopoem #writcopoems #friendship #memories #life