

I don't know
I don't know how we got to this point in our life we became stranger's in the night

At one point in time I felt your love and I finally walked in the light

Curve balls and forks in the road separated us in the blink of an eye

Some nights it's hard not to cry thinking of the remember when's I'm not even gonna lie

I fed you broken promise's and put more cracks in your heart

I wish I could push a restart

Baby I never meant for it to end up like this my vision had a happy ending

I think of you often saying prayers and happiness my thoughts are sending

Maybe in the next life we'll be together maybe we'll be happy and never feel heart break

Because beautiful your the woman of my dreams you make me never wanna wake

Maybe we'll just blame it on bad timing, problem's in life

I hope I can make you happy in the next life I hope you never have to feel so much struggle and strife I hope then I can call you my wife

© droneking