

I Treat Better
A girl whom I called my sister
met her on social media
treated her like my elder sister
coz I never had any
her heart was so broke
After her divorce
I treated her with so much respect
wanted same in return
She used to say" I love you baby"
can't get over her words still
but didn't know she lied
She humiliated me over nothing
ignored me
I beared said thanks for ignoring
next day She replaced me with an other girl
whom she calls her one and only gem
I didn't compare myself with her
just got disappointed and wise up
I didn't give up
She started treating me like shit
well that says lot about her self
I walked away after letting her know
I'm going take care
She got furious
earlier I used to forgive but now that was enough
coz I'm kind but I have my limits
and said to her I'm not buying your any shit anymore
keep your low thinking about me with yourself
then she at social media wrote
"best revenge is no revenge"
that shit broke my heart
but I still consider " best revenge is treating them better ,COZ I am better"
I got hell silent
recovered in whole 5 days
and cried like hell everyday
missed her so much
but didn't contact
I don't want any elder sister anymore
thanked GOD for Making me elder sister of my innocent siblings
May they never get hurt just like I did amin
© @Iqra_Yasmeen