

Lady In The Forest
With twitterings of birds, Dawn came down;
Heavy mist is falling and rays of sun over forest lawn.
Golden rays of sun got dispersed in mist's droplets
And there form small rainbows which animates.

Crunches of dry and wet leaves lying on forest floor,
From somewhere in air breaking out rippling of water's lure.
I ran fast following the tunes through the woods;
Saw last glimpse of a lady who faded in greenwoods.

Near the pond I walked found a small tinkling bell,
While wondering about the bunch from this it fell;
Then auspeciously heard clinking of ghungoor echoed in air
And I followed the known of unknown out of dessire.

Chasing and chasing through the ethereal forest;
On the spur of the moment I lost in midst
Of woods, no more melody was there either.
Found those ghungoor lying on ground with an old feather

Hoist those from ground, clink of bells was same;
On the other hand the feather were on slow flame.
Feather get burnt like burning day of Phoenix,
From ashes a young feather born and flew in air.

I ran behind the feather not knowing destination,
Sprinting sun rays and from a thorpe blowing of benediction.
Feather went on flaring and I followed trail;
Found another beginning of forest, there stand a female.

Feather descend near her feet and she was in white;
Voluptuous and so beautiful, attractive even in daylight.
Lady of honour can be opinioned on first see,
And she was standing facing towards an endless sea!

© heart of a dying star

#lovelylife #forest #lady #unknownpeople #attraction #beautifulfeeling #morningthoughts #imagination #beauty_of_nature