

The Three Imaginary Lines.
The leaping of the first two lines of your life are what will determine your final destination in the after-life, which is *The eternity!*..All these crossing of each border can only be done once and never again.
Even Jesus, Enoch and Elijah also crossed through these borders, so who are you to escape it?!
Your _Eternityhood_ is the most crucial _hood_ everyone needs to put full concentration on, because once you venture into it, it is forever!..But just have it in mind that the other two lines are the foundations and functions of your _Eternityhood_.
The deeds, the works, the doings, and the acts during your _Childhood_ and _Adulthood_ are the *CURRENCIES* that will determine where you'll *SPEND* _Eternityhood_
Choose wisely!, paradventure you've already crossed one border which is the _(Childhood)_, you still have one last *CURRENCY* to spend, it's not too late to repent from your evil ways now in your _Adulthood_

©️ *Adefemi Olajide*