

Unlovable Love💔🥀
When the days are slain,
No matter the pain or the stain,
Never gone fast like the bullet train.

When the fake smile I try to maintain,
No matter how hard i tried to use my brain,
My emotion it's hard to explain.

When the fun moments I begin to regain,
No matter how much painful thoughts I sustain,
My impatience it's hard to restrain.

When my feelings I failed to explain,
No matter how thoroughly you entertain,
My worries it's high up like a mountain.

When my love for you is loaded with complain,
No matter how many gifts from you I obtain,
Your love and care does it ever contain?

When your attention I failed to attain,
No matter if you hurt me again and again,
A place for you in my heart always remain.

When my freedom you try to enchain,
No matter how much effort I put not to be plain,
You're no longer qualified to be a swain.

© dehasley