

# Heartbreak

Love! oh love! oh my love!
where are you,
I am looking for you at rivers ,villages, hills , fields and cities,
Trying to find your footprints ,
Taking food with me to give you,
Waking up early at the dawn just to take a journey where I think I can find you,
You are not here , not there ,
I'm not loosing hope I know I will find you,
You are on a different journey where maybe I do not belong to,
But I must say I'm coming to find you, to love you,
Yes I know the journey is difficult,
But dear I have decided to find you,
My legs are hurting, My throat is dry, but I'm coming to you because I love you,
Oh god! my body is loosing its strength, I'm weak now,
But I'm coming to find you dear,
I know you must be waiting for me, or you have forgotten me ,
I don't know but I'm coming to see you ,
Love! Oh love! Oh my love!
where are you?
where are you?
where are you?


© meghapathak