

Hopeless in love
I feel so lost in myself.
I haven't found me yet.
'The Lonesliest' came in
While i was unwrapping your gift.

My heart almost broke.
But I got a hold of myself.
Reading back my love poems,
I almost vomited here.

I can't believe the fact that
I fell for you.
Especally your lies every day.
"I love you" you say and I believed.

Hopeless in love.
Always falling for the wrong one.
I will never found true love.
I gave up hope already.

I want to hate you but I can't.
I can't hate you if once I loved you.
I loved you once and
I can't decide if I still do so.

I don't want to love you anymore.
Actually no one ever.
I don't want to feel the same
as I did for weeks.

Lying hurts me finally.
I feel like I got Karma for
lying so much.
But you know what?

Atleast being alive finally hurts.

© Tortise