

Happiness is in seeing that person walking
Who lost the hope of even standing
Happiness is in seeing that person sightseeing
Who thought blackness is his only surrounding
Happiness is in seeing that person hearing
Who thought that silence is his life bearing
Happiness is in seeing a person eating food
Who thought life without that is screwed
Happiness is in seeing after getting family on a child’s face
Who thought orphanage is his last place
Happiness is in seeing freedom on a girl’s face
Who thought brothel will be her only place
Happiness is in seeing that girl laugh again
Who thought her life got scarred due to acid pain
Happiness is in seeing that woman walking with pride
Who thought after rape her face will have to hide
They all are innocent
Must try to make their life magnificent
Just by showing little support
Their pain might get a bit short
Spread happiness as much as you can
Hopefully one day sadness will get ban
Happiness gives a ray of hope
Might help someone to cope
Have faith in God, just to remind
Happiness is not very hard to find.