

The unrequited love
Ow love why are thou so cruel?
The days I have waited for you to see your dazzling smile;
To see your dazzling smile I have waited,
My heart mourns from experiencing your absence.

Ow love why are thou so wicked?
The nights I have slept alone was my pillows furry;
My tears drowned it to a state of lifelessness,
break my heart if you choose for I know you enjoy it so.

Ow bitter love why are thou so blind?
You turn my warm embrace into a burning coal,
You turn my good deeds into absolute torture.
If love is this way,
why is it so sweet?
why is it so said by all?
love to me now is wicked,
love is pain and pain is love.
love I detest you,
Your cold embrace is like the heat of the mid day sun in the sahara.
Your words hurt like sulphur and brimstone.

If this is the way love turly is,
I shall die in no sooner time,
the death of an endless prisoner.

A prisoner of love I shall call myself,
A prisoner with no chance of solitude.
© sabihenro