

This Devil.......

Ssshhh, don't make a sound,
Ssshhh, the devil is abound,
Ssshhh, stay under,
Ssshhh, stay your shudder...

This devil ain't no BOOGEYMAN!
He will slice your neck with just a flex,
He has dogs that will pound on you,
His dogs are a very hungry group.

This devil ain't no JOKER!
The only time he will smile is when you're in piles,
His jokes are void of humor and compounded with horror,
I bet you he's a Batman who never laughs,
His mouth is not curved in a smile,
Beware those are blood marks.

This devil ain't no SCARECROW,
This devil ain't no OLD CRAZY WOMAN in X,
This devil ain't no HORROR MOVIE CHARACTER,
This devil is more powerful than that!!!

So, don't make a sound,
Cause the devil is abound,
Always stay under,
Stay your DAMN shudder!!!

© Ifeamareme Uchechi Favour

#poetry #poem #poet #thriller #horror #mystery #boogeyman #death