

My heart's canvas
I wear you as clothes for my body
I feel you as colour to my skin
I breathe you as oxygen to my blood

My heart thrusts to paint your portrait
Brushing on entrust's of colours to depict
Blushing with a crush to your enprint
My soul thirsts for your soul intertwist

I wear you as clothes for my body
I feel you as colour to my skin
I lost me in the stardust of your ironic Irish art

Water container gets stuck on Palette
My hand with ring tucks to dance ballet
My eyes with your image lust me to Charlotte
My heart with love bursts my blood to Scarlett

I wear you as clothes for my body
I feel you as colour to my skin
I breathe you as oxygen to my blood

Your love encrust me to protect like armlet
With you, I'm slipping sand dust with broadcast
All my chaotic rust washed off with your love abluent
Dear I gust to meet you like a comet
One day very soon....

I wear you as clothes for my body
I feel you as colour to my skin
I breathe you as oxygen to my blood
© Hana
#Love #Relationship #LOVEPOEM #Poetry