

Carriage of life
Water drips。。
Fall in the pond of tears 。。
Too difficult to tell。。
Which are tears and which is water。。
I have proven in this life。。
Tears carry a heavy weight。。
Falling like rain drops。。
Everything here is watery。。
I can't even dry these tears。。
Life is wicked to all of us。。
Too sad there's no one。。
Willing to cry for me。。
Life is a blind man。。
Has no reason to bump his head。。
Broken hearts like nothing was ever there。。
Shattered in pieces。。
I am useless。。
Never thought I would go wrong。。
This destiny is new to me。。
Never thought I would cry。。
Breaking chains like a prisoner。。
Who am I if I am not me。。
What is life all about。。
If we are meant to die。。
No one to journey with me in this carriage of life。。
Life is a blind man。。
Never wrong or right。。
Not getting hold of this life。。
Shattered into pieces。。
I am useless。。
© Tiny Sino