

They walk around with hearts so warm,
They save strays from life's harsh storm.
A bowl of food & a soft, warm bed,
Love, compassion for the animals are spread

Yet, human souls, laying beside the street,
Pass by unseen, without missing a beat
Their stomach’s growling and spirits low,
“They did this to themselves, I just know.”

The purr of comfort, the wagging tail,
That is where people’s hearts prevail.
But human pain, a distant chime,
I see it day in and day out, time after time.

You see a homeless stray, your heart cries
But that is where their natural instincts lie
Compassion for humans? Lost in the night
To live and witness this is such an ugly sight

A homeless stranger? There, a story lies
Show them that love and hope still resides
Extend a hand, some love and some grace
And help build a world of warm embrace

© Tweety’s Poetry