

Drown me
Devour me

In the darkest of nights,
Where my mind climbs to heights and my feet walk on rivers,
I sink

My tears power the river,
Current becoming stronger and stronger

I focus myself,
I try siwn back up to the surface,
Control it all

I sink further

Standing straight, my posture strong and up
I sink lower and lower

The river now an ocean

I panic,
Realizing the devastation
I try swim up

But the more I try,
The pressure drags me deeper
Deeper and deeper

My body begins to tire
I let myself go
Unable to fight it off
I sink more

The world becomes black,
I no longer breathe,
Water filling my lungs
I surrender at whole

Water fills me whole
And I drown
Unable to ever escape

On the darkest of nights,
Where the currents are strong,
I can't ever seem to escape