

Silvery Light~

Her eyes shine,
As the clock chimes,
Telling her soul,
Wake up;
It's midnight.

Stay dance,
Constellations align,
The city sleeps,
Her dark soul;

Papers rustle,
Ink plays,
The night bewitched,
With the words;
She says,

Clouds whisper,
Meteors gasp,
As they witness her hands,
Bathing softlt;
In black,

Fantasy smiles,
Reality cries,
When they glimpse,
At the melancholy;
Her pencil writes,

Time ends,
Feelings sigh,
As her eyes take in,
The first ray;
Of light,

The city awakens,
Her soul dies,
As the blooming dawn,
Burns her;

The magic ends,
To be unraveled again,
Later in the night,
She resurrects;
Under the silvery light.
© Willows