

Third Times A Charm
Where your eyes open? Staring a crossed the bay
Where a week from today your loved ones will be standing trying to make sense of it all.

Did your heart drop? When you realized the silence was only from the ringing in your ears.
Or was the screaming on the phone distracting you from the non-existent panic racing through your heart.

Lights blink red & blue against a stark white bridge.
The line still open, voices chocked back once the canon sounded.

D.O.A though your heart still beat
seconds after
They say, a sigh of relief echoed in tempo with others lives going by atop that bridge.


You called..
You called...

Hoping for what exactly?
Last words that will ring on repeat against their ears?
Conversations forever running on repeat...

"Well maybe if I had said...."
"What if"
"What if I had answered.."
"Maybe if I had tried harder.."
"What could I of said differently..."

Waking up to the news, feeling numb to it till your forced to face it.
Standing staring across the same bay, sitting on the same ledge you sat on.
Wondering how much pain your own mind tricked you into feeling. Turning your own self preservation against the basic need of survival.

nothing stopped you,
nor could anything ever dared to.
Day's go by, eyes dry.
Constant rain beats a radiant sun back.
Weeks blur by, suddenly, you are forced back into reality, numb to it all.
Months later....
Is time even real anymore?
or does it taunt, life moving by in nothing but a blink of an eye.

Almost a year later,
Our own frail morality has been called into question.
They say "Third times a charm"
Who knew such a challenging quote would turn into such a sinister thought.

© SaraM