

Connections of Broken Pieces
In the quietest part of the night,
When you hover between dark and light,
Wondering if you can float away on dreams,
Hoping they won't turn into screams...
Questioning yourself..
Should you really go with the stream?
Should you stop searching for that meaningful theme?
Because whenever you tried living, they said you were extreme.
Saying that you should dream within certain limits.
Crushing your vision within few minutes.
Forcing you into the character of being timid.
Trying to trap your free spirit.
I just wish I could make a few visits.
To the child me who's counting digits.
Or at least, send her a simple billet.
To tell her that it's okay if she prohibits.
That it's not bad to be a late bloomer.
That she shouldn't wish blooming sooner.
That she should make every moment count.
Even if the whole world denounced.
Because people and their love are so temporary.
You don't need anybody to be your life emissary.
If you want something, fight for it.
Never allow a person to be the reason you quit.
As long as you've got hope in your heart..
Your life shall be an inspiring work of art.
Just like the dark side of the moon..
Full of flaws and imperfections that show its true face to its beautiful connections.
© R.mahmoud