


As I look into the abyss of the dirty pained mirror I suddenly see my reflection looking back at me
Something familiar yet so strange bundled up in unknown spaces unaware of the foggy daze I must have been in at that exact moment willing my body to pull itself upright as gravity pinned my body to grounds cold encounter demons swarming about ludicrously as if I belonged to their demented ways wandering if I'll ever escape the fear seen from within my own eyes drooling uncontrollably down my chin the force pushing me into the ground further further pushing forth towards a downward spira furiously trying to escape the sounds of evil whirling aaround sensitive ears finding nowhere to turn except down this treacherous darkened pit of hell yelling without a sound escaping my cold lips, shivering at the touch of the cold barren gun staring back at me as blood oozes from my deformed head realizing depression had won its course leaving me wounded.
© Brandi Willard