

Just Ink On Paper

The clattering of hooves
and a knock on the doornail,
My heavy steps racing towards the entrance,
and my heart started to flutter, as I collected the mail.

In the pile stood out a dusty, yellow corner,
sneaking its way into my eyes;
It was definitely a letter from her
filled with, I’m sure, all things cosy and nice.

The searing knife glistened on my desk
but I chose to ignore it, for I could not afford to wait.
My eyes are restless as I tear the seal open,
regarding the inky parchment as it slowly reveals my fate.

This was most certainly a mistake,
Lady Fortune is no longer in my favour
A “better man” mentioned slices through my chest
she seems to have met someone, a “glorious endeavor”

This should not be hurting me,
it’s just ink on paper after all
I don’t know why my heart voiced the painful groan
as if it is trying to survive a near-death fall.

Of course, I’m happy for her,
Isn’t that what a man is supposed to be?
But what do I do with the cold, controlled rage
that is raging now, all throughout me?

The knife is still haunting the corner of my eye,
and an inconspicuous thought enters my head
Will my destiny turn for the better,
with the sacrifice of the blood that I plan to shed?

Her unholy name is engraved onto the knife handle
it has a strangely daring look, willing me to paint a bloody red art
She was my heart, my love, my life, and without her?
I have to let it slice through my lungs, deep into my heart.

© archaios <3