

The first Heartbreak
Even though you was standing in crowd, my restless eyes caught you.
Not only my eyes but also my each and every cells of body started talking as I found my soul close to you.
We own each other and you only belongs to me was the most beautiful thing happened ever in my life.
And I always used to become shy when u were telling me ...my mom needs you to be my wife.
I never asked you for gift,chocolate and candle but only wish to be your real compassionate.
Everyday was like the beautiful color of rainbow, as at that time I too found ur eye as restless which has tremendous love to show.
A whole castle of happiness was designed in my imagination and always trying to make it true.
But suddenly one day..my text and calls were answered seeing this I was in huge fear..
Still was hoping everything will be alright, was hoping to ask you matter by giving a hug tight.
Meeting was not possible as u suddenly fade away..and I was only asking to you within myself what happened my darling bae?
Your departure broke my castle of happiness..my soul seems to leave my body as no more I can take this pain.
I cannot imagine you holding someone else like you do to me and this imagination cries with tears with those restless eyes that found you in the initial journey of us.

© Neeta Jha