The first Heartbreak
Even though you was standing in crowd, my restless eyes caught you.
Not only my eyes but also my each and every cells of body started talking as I found my soul close to you.
We own each other and you only belongs to me was the most beautiful thing happened ever in my life.
And I always used to become shy when u were telling me mom needs you to be my wife.
I never asked you for gift,chocolate and candle but only wish to be your real compassionate.
Everyday was like the beautiful color of rainbow, as...
Not only my eyes but also my each and every cells of body started talking as I found my soul close to you.
We own each other and you only belongs to me was the most beautiful thing happened ever in my life.
And I always used to become shy when u were telling me mom needs you to be my wife.
I never asked you for gift,chocolate and candle but only wish to be your real compassionate.
Everyday was like the beautiful color of rainbow, as...