

The new castle...
Cosmic and silver lined dreams,
More than a castle in the air,
Crisscrossed shade and sunny gleams,
It's time to disconnect from it and travel somewhere
Where the wilderness is unseen ,
The old castle is still there , the orchestra at the concert is far beyond still unheard.
When lights flicker , When spring blossoms , When winter spreads it's silvery coat ,
Then the world is of , peace and vote .
The dancers of dream , the majestro of queen still sings the unheard and unseen .
The life..... the life..... have mercy .....we. plead ,
Is our plea
The sun dunes worth symphony of air ,
The breezy evening , The Sachin's innings , all are worth welcoming .
That splendid castle over sand of the dunes ,
Those musical strings with a ride on boat ,
Oh! that moonlight gleam .
That gliders over the rope those winners on toes ,
That spicy treat is a safe retreat for dinner .
That blazing bonfire , That peacock dance on the floor , That chillness in the weather ....
Are jewels of memories to remember .
The old castle is still there , where the orchestra is heard far beyond and still unseen .
Now is the ship in the desert , over the dunes we go for journey to the land of dreams .
With overflowing silvery water , With rejuvenation over the roots of matter .
The episode of richness is now onboard , with its charm on the bulletin board .

To connect.....