

Christmas with You
In the warmth of Christmas glow,
a tale unfolds,
With a loved one, through highs and lows we've strolled.
Through the seasons, hand in hand we've danced,
In life's intricate, fate and chance.

Underneath the twinkling evergreen,
A love story, magical and serene.
Snowflakes dance in a winter's embrace,
Echoes of laughter, joyous and full of grace.

In the glow of candlelight's soft flicker,
We reminisce, hearts growing ever quicker.
Through the challenges we've faced and braved,
Love's ember, steadfast and engraved.

Stockings hung with care, a festive scene,
Wrapped in love, like a tinsel sheen.
The Christmas tree adorned with memories sweet,
In our hearts, love's melody repeats.

Gifts exchanged with smiles aglow,
More precious than the falling snow.
A celebration of love and unity,
In this Christmas, pure serenity.

As carols echo through the night,
Our love, a beacon shining bright.
Through every storm, we've found our way,
In the magic of Christmas, our hearts sway.

So here's to us, this yuletide cheer,
A love that conquers, crystal clear.
In the embrace of Christmas joy,
Forevermore, our spirits buoyed 🎄❤️

© #Sherlocked