


My lover is absent and i miss her soft touch.
Its morning i hope she is back Before lunch.
I am a sucker for love this much i know,
I need love when am feeling high and low.
It doesn't matter how rich i am or old i get,
Love is the one and only thing i can't forget.
There comes my lover walking towards me,
I feel like an open flower waiting for a bee.
My heart is so full of happiness and content
Her clothes don't matter I want the content.
As she walks gladly towards me i whistle,
beautiful and dangerous like a young thistle.
This for me is where i wanna be no doubt,
Starring beneath my lover's lips and mouth,
I am a real sucker for love this i know i am,
even if i tried i can never change Who i am
At the end of the day i am happy and so is she,
This is the best feeling the world can offer me.
© paladin pyro