

The days too eventually fell silent,

No sounds, not even by the crows,

All you could hear was the sound of,

Fear knocking on the doors,

His head swivelling to the next victims smore,

Despair that clouded the filled wards,

Brimming with people that dangled between worlds,

The restaurants and malls were devoid of activity,

Their halls avoided with precise clarity,

The droplets of disease remained open,

drifting fearlessnly in the widen coven,

delighted at the mundane of life thwarted,

esctatic at the rise of vitcims terminated,

the airports and seaports dimmed their lights,

closing boxing themselves up for a long night,

the dulling and barren roads,

hinted at the disease' scaring hold,

the pain and torment vaulted past the crackling windows,

children screaming into their stained pillows,

the tears of many strengthened his gear,

as they all gathered against him in their masked armour,

he breathed against them as if they were flies,

holding out their stories as he went past their Niles,

that quenched and constricted with his every puff,

squealing and dancing till his very buff,

even the animals knew they were unsafe,

nature responding to his laps,

the sky rang with darkened masses of storms,

streams flooded past their barricaded dorms,

the painful train of death rang loud,

sizzling in it's blaring sound,

the silence it left,

after every person's chapter,

the musk of the deceased,

and the hopeful few that were released.
© No works of mine should be published without my permission