

I can't breathe🇸🇱🇺🇸
knee on my neck,
handcuff on my hand,
so what shall I do when their is no stand?.
please... I can't breathe!
My neck is getting hurts,
everything is going hurts.

The consciousness I've lost,
The pride I've lost,
A Sharp burden I've got,
My life is now Short, to extend of which it may get too-worst.
Then' what again shall I do to get the slouch out of my regional atlas?.

Hots air rushed through my nose,
bleedings and tears blended to fall my eyes,
Yesterday what I ignore was advice.
A bundle of tears become a bundle of sorrow,
A bundle of sorrow become a bundle of woe.,
No help,
No advice and no mercy,
but what I've planned for my family's was plenty.

still lynching on the ground,
Flattened my neck down,
Depriving my oxygen down,
Screaming the organ and my neck frantic,
I tell you this is so tragic.

I cried again and again..,
by crying down the effort and sacrifice of my life,
but most of them are white, and I am black.
So how will they get involve in rescue my life, when my crime was black?.

There is no one to help me out of the lane.,
but yet still lade,
Cries with agonies, and imagine how I was trick and betrayed.

At last, I have no existence,
Cause my life is fading out with no experience.
There I am"...
I successfully go in peace,
but go with nothings.

I can't breathe"..
breathing getting anguish,
my head and body going lowish,
my soul getting vanish,
till everything getting vanish.

life has gone.
How can I explain to my family when I'm gone?
how would they explained to my family when I'm sadly gone?
What else they will do to them when I'm sorrily gone?.
I wish I could be able to control my breathe.,
but I can't breathe.

___ AbdulKarim Keh-turay ✍🏼.