

Sudden Goodbyes 🦋
Sometimes things happen and you find yourself losing hope, even those around you seem to add heat to what you are going through and nobody believes in you.

The time comes and the season passes. You sometimes stand alone, you sometimes war against some thoughts you don't know where it's coming from.

Life is filled with surprises and most time it's hard to realise the cause. Living takes courage; so does dying. It's a process and in the long run, you realize you're your biggest fans cause no one can understand your inner war.

Even the Churches that should be a wing of refuge are most times the nest of uncontrollable termites. Nowhere is safe except the bosoms of the Holy Spirit.

I'm in a stage when life has given me a reason not to hope in men. I've seen them fail and it's not a shocking situation.

Now living again takes courage and managing my circle takes scrutinizing. We are love and sometimes we are hate, but loving oneself should never be bargain.

Step up and never give up on your real self. Don't let them change you and if you must change, change to be a better man.

Life comes with surprises but when it comes make sure your Inner man understands. ✨🦋🤞🏽

© King Christen