

Who Let You In
First of all I haven't the slightest clue who you are or how you even come to be in this place I once called mine ...now that you have breeched my solitude I can no longer call it safe.
Nobody is permitted to be in this area here except for me and I alone and I don't have any prior knowledge of you arriving ...and I'm sorry but there has to be some sort of mistake.
What business do you have here please state the reason that you came maybe I can point you in the right direction ...sure you didn't make a wrong turn back there somewhere I think so.
This isn't really a good time to be coming by I was just trying to make my way out on my own and nobody else is coming with me and I never leave anyone in here when I'm gone so just go.
Did you not hear me an I being understood or what...do you need anything else from me I really need to go couldn't you come by at another time and you can call beforehand ok I'm sorry sir.
Now that I think about it you must have gotten the wrong place because nobody can be here with me it's a solitary thing for me and me only I never wanted any company it is what I prefer.

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