

Love Oh Love!
Love oh love
who invented thee,
you have no form
or physical structure
yet many claims to have seen,
encountered or felt you
and in that instant, you made them blue

Love oh love
wether beneath or above
you have destroyed families and friends
turned them into enemies and strangers
yet you have made enemies and strangers
to live together as families and friends

Love oh love
there is no way to quantify thee
and all are qualified for thee
too much of you is bad
too little of you is sad
just enough is not enough
folks scramble and strive for more
without knowing your mysterious core

Love oh love
your nature no one can fully describe
yet wisemen have always prescribed
when strong and not durable,
you are called infatuation.
when soft and too gullible
your are called obsession.
when strong, demanding coitus fast,
you are called lust.
your true nature remains so vast,
and knowing truly comes at a great cost.
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#vast #love #natural