

youre the holder but I am.
I see the reflection of my happiness In your eyes,
Picture perfect,
Like a bouquet of posies,
Like a sky full of sunshine...

in the eyes , so many visions that make me rise and take me by suprize, bring me happiness from you and you take off collecting all your pride.
if the picture was perfect, I would hope it would infect and take over become the detecting or before something needs a reserrecting, and complete the unfinished bringing a new age and a life of its own its made from so unmade and from less is me in the mess of this pictures , I had it perfect I even had no end and it was all pretend so I could attend.
your the perfect posies that has made it so far , from the dirt your rose above and grew into and all over until your into the Sky's and now you bring me sunshine and I look to you above , its a special moment a special game how you even know how to give me a name and I thank you for that just the same and if I ever loose you, it will be me to blame %$
so let's never let this end and grow like a bouquet of posies growing into life through out the days and smelling so good that people pay.

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