

Dead inside
Everyday is a new day
But it's always an unhappy day for me
lm failing to cope with life
lm not following my dreams neither my passion , I'm only told "one day"
Pain is all that l experience from you
No happiness ! Life is that my calling

When will l be happy
when will l be successful? im tired of getting all my life being controlled
if only you would just have Mercy on me and smile for me and open doors for the broken soul in me

lm bleading my heart is in pain
lm losing hope but l still believe all is going to be well
When will this sadness and pain vanish
Am l moron to always agree to everything!?

lm young and tired in this ugly society
Life can you just give me a little hope
ls it I'm never going to build my own dreams
lm tired !!!
© Nommy_Nomah