

Her eyes gleamed with the light,
Of her inner strength,
She had walked miles
Not worried about the length,
Her two hands has cherished her sons--
And blessed her daughters
With utmost faith.
Her breast has been the only solace
Where we can sleep and rest.
Her two hands is too strong,
To break all the evils that come our way.
She always workshipped on her husband's side,
And prayed to give him strength to fight-
She is a person who can sacrifice
Life for her loved ones,
And is always ready to do
Whatever to bring ecstacy__
To her dear ones.
Her one hand can take care
Of her new born baby,
And another can fight for our country.
We salute to those women,
Who are superior to men--
Who works till her last breath
For the well being of children and family__
Very proudly and happily.