

Boy bye 👋
You think you broke me, oh how cute,
You think my voice would remain in mute,
You think you controled my every move,
You think my choices were yours to choose.
You think you had power over me,
You think my eyes where to blind to see,
All your lies and manipulation,
Youre unthinkable expectations.
Of the perfect partner you had in mind,
The one in me you tried to design.
With your harsh words and actions to,
Tell me exactly what occurred to you.
Did you think you had won, gained control?
Did you think you'll never end up alone.
Did you hope I was to weak to see,
Your narcissistic ways you showed to me.
Well I seen them all as clear as day,
And that is why I went away.
Youre love was not true and wasn't kind,
Youre sorry ass I left behind! Xo

© Melis5211

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