

Ties That Bind - Poem

In the quiet moments, when the world holds its breath,
I feel the pull of invisible threads,
Connecting my heart to the echoes of you-
Fragments of laughter, whispers of dreams,
Carried through time, like a distant tune.

We shared our secrets beneath the starlit sky,
Our hearts tangled in the softest sighs.
But life, a cruel puppeteer, pulled us apart,
Leaving shadows of memories etched in my heart.

Every sunset reminds me of your glow,
Each melody strums the strings of my soul.
Though miles lie between us, and silence fills the air,
I know these threads linger, fragile yet rare.

I scroll through old photos, lost in the haze,
Replaying our moments, those beautiful days.
You’re the ghost in my songs, the muse in my lines,
The heartbeat in rhythms that no one else finds.

Time may have changed us, but here we stand,
With invisible threads weaving through our hands.
A bond that won’t fade, no matter the years-
Through laughter and heartbreak, through joy and tears.

So here’s to the connections we can’t always see,
To the love that remains, wild and free.
Invisible threads, they’re a part of my song,
Binding us together, where we both belong.
© RohanEastre

#love #moveon #time #life #sunset #together #poem #connection