

My Painting Masterpiece.
We always plan a life like a wonderful painting,
But sometimes, we somehow paint a foggy landscape.
Fools will lay still like a rock and never stop complaining.
But the keen will stand up and paint over a prettier shape.
But u choose to be the fool
Complaining about the color,the way my brushed moved,the landscape,the position of the easel,nothing seemed okay for you
Then u turned and left
Leaving me alone with a broken heart and an uncompleted painting
My tears became the water for my paintbrush and my sadness became one with my painting
But he came along
His determination never wavering
He moved in sync with my brush, and we became one
He took my broken heart and my depressed painting and made it anew
We painted till dawn a new piece
A masterpiece,full of harmony, trust and love,we poured our souls out till dawn
The landscape painting I was painting alone waiting for Him has now changed and reflects who we are,our true selves.
Two souls bond by love,staring into the painted sky,no scares,no imperfections just the real me with Him.

*A mirror standing in front of us tells us all the things we need to know,we just have to look deeper, tnks for reading 💙🖤, actually this is not about me,just wanted u to know

© Gifty Sampson