

Axiomatic Deceptions
In the clutches of deceit, a liar's foray,
Two grim axioms entwined, leading astray.
With each whispered falsehood and each twisted lie,
They danced in his soul, where shadows lie.

The first, the axiom of choice, oh so sly,
Promised freedom with a deceitful cry.
"In every fib spun, a world to adorn,
Where truth and lies blur, and trust is torn."

But the second, the voice of conscience, it wailed,
"In the liar's embrace, where darkness prevailed,
Deception's path, where shadows grow deep,
Innocence lost, and trust begins to weep."

In the heart of this deceiver, these axioms took root,
A sinister tango, a malevolent pursuit.
The axiom of choice, with its beguiling art,
The axiom of conscience, tearing his soul apart.

One led to illusions, the other to remorse,
In this twisted charade, life took a dark course.
A tale of deception, a chilling grimace,
Two axioms, one soul, in a liar's embrace.

With each uttered falsehood, his conscience would cry,
As the axiom of choice whispered, "No need to comply."
But the axiom of conscience, like a mournful dirge,
Echoed, "Lies will haunt you, your soul will submerge."

In the liar's dark world, where shadows conspire,
These axioms collided, setting his heart on fire.
A relentless battle, a tormenting fight,
As his choices grew darker, his soul lost its light.

The axiom of choice, with its treacherous spell,
Led him deeper into the abyss, where truth fell.
While the axiom of conscience, a relentless foe,
Kept reminding him of the pain he'd bestow.

In this sinister symphony, where choices were made,
The liar's soul trembled, in shadows it stayed.
A tale of deception, a haunting embrace,
Two axioms, one soul, in a dire, wretched case.

© TwoTimesTwice