

In Obedience And Praise
Lord, yesterday, I finally made the move,
On my knees, I surrendered to you.
But today, I remembered this one thing,
I really feel I must do.
Last week, Lord, I exchanged my will for yours,
Because I know you know better than me.
But today, there is this one thing
That, objectively, I really need.
One day, we give our lives to Jesus
Because we want to follow His ways.
But when His ways get in our way,
We think maybe it's enough just to pray.
He warned us that His path wasn't easy,
That following Him would require some sacrifice.
And we were unfazed by His words.
Until their meaning became more precise.
It didn't mean we might give up four-course meals.
Or sometimes we might not sleep in a bed.
More like, often, we would have no food
And be required to do things that we dread.
We were willing to share what we had
With those who had considerably less.
For sharing turned out to be easy
When we were feeling so blessed.
But sometimes, we were blind to the blessing
Because sometimes we had nothing to share.
And we believed we were the needy
Because all of our cupboards were bare.
It was difficult to understand we were blessed,
Whether we had plenty or we had none.
To see that we were never in need
When we trusted and obeyed the Son.
I wouldn't have missed the beauty
Of learning, we could always count on God.
That He could and would provide.
Often in ways that were exceedingly odd.
For even in the face of the unusual,
He was always on our side.
So slowly, we came to surrender,
As we learned to give up our pride.
Eventually, we came to identify
And accept our misconceptions.
And at the same time, we came to understand
That in following Him there are no exceptions.
Because His thoughts are higher than our thoughts
And we will never understand His ways.
So, we can only live our best lives
When we follow Him in obedience and praise.
© Linda Troxell