

We attracted each other...
We attracted each other like we're right for and meant to be together. But in reality, it's harder that I wish it'd be easier.

Seeing with the eyes, not with the heart. By that strangeness and foulness, I obscured.

I come by the time we bid each other farewell. But when there is a chance, the feelings and emotions don't prevail.

Between you and me, I know something has changed. Though it may or may not be the one I've arranged.

The heart of yours and what lies within, the dream of us I lost in.

Every attempt is just sink or swim. I don't own fate, much less the key to your heart.

In the end, what are we gonna do? What are we truly meant to?

Just thought I'd freeze the lapse of time, just so that I can forever see the portray of you, turn at me, smiling softly.

© Bilmanda3611
